Eastern Worcester
Planning Prospects first established itself as a business within Worcester, prior to its relocation to offices elsewhere in the County at Belbroughton. The company has a prominent position in advising on a large number of sites across the City, and in particular promoting development for a range of clients along its eastern fringe. The City’s planners, alongside developers and occupiers, had aspired to make Worcester more “outward looking”, and develop where possible up to the M5. There was resistance to this strategy from some local people and politicians seeking to protect this corridor, and keeping the City set back to the west. Over a period of years Planning Prospects actively and successfully promoted the allocation of land for development within this part of the City, and have secured a series of planning permissions in this area including:
- Nunnery Way – initially advanced to allow a new stadium for Worcester City Football Club alongside enabling development; subsequently amended to allow a mixed use employment led scheme. The first phase of this (comprising employment, pub and restaurant uses) has been built out, with further phases (petrol station and car dealership) soon to follow.
- Parsonage Way – planning permission granted for over 21,000 sq m of office, manufacturing and warehouse accommodation, with the first phase expected to commence in early 2019.
- Berkeley Way – planning permission granted for a new headquarters and R&D facility in extensive landscaped grounds for leading product developer / manufacturer.