Loungers, Selby

Planning Prospects have submitted a planning application to Selby District Council on behalf of Market Cross Properties (Selby) Ltd for change of use and alterations to the former Virgin Money Unit at Market Cross in Selby town centre. The Scheme will enhance the appearance of the Site and allow it to be brought back into

Lowesmoor, Worcester

Planning Prospects Ltd have assisted Worcester Developments Ltd with securing planning permission to vary the plans and details associated with previously approved development for 98 units at Lowesmoor in Worcester.  The scheme will deliver a range of apartments within a six-storey building above a largely open ground floor.  The varied permission will enable delivery of

Adanac Drive, Southampton

Planning Prospects have submitted an application to Test Valley Borough Council, on behalf Prime Developments (UK) Ltd, which seeks Reserved Matters approval for Phase 3 of the Health and Innovation Campus off Adanac Drive in Nursling. The Phase 3 scheme comprises a sterile services facility, aseptic pharmacy, and office accommodation which will be utilised by

Gigafactory, Coventry

Following the submissions by Planning Prospects to Warwick District Council and Coventry City Council on behalf of Coventry City Council and Coventry Airport Ltd, both Councils have granted planning permission for the development of a Gigafactory at Coventry Airport.

Fox Valley, Sheffield

Planning Prospects have assisted Stocksbridge Regeneration Company Ltd in securing planning permission from Sheffield City Council for the provision of mezzanine floor space almost doubling the size of a vacant unit at Fox Valley, allowing it to be let to a new occupier (Go Outdoors).

Severn Campus, Worcester

Planning Prospects have assisted the University of Worcester with securing a planning permission for the infrastructure required to deliver the future redevelopment of the University of Worcester Severn Campus, which the University has identified as its Health, Wellbeing and Inclusive Sports Campus. Planning permission has also been secured for a new International Inclusive Cricket Education

Land off Lichfield Road, Stafford

Planning Prospects Ltd have assisted St. Modwen Developments Ltd with securing an outline planning permission from Stafford Borough Council for the development of up to 365 dwellings on land off Lichfield Road in Stafford, just to the south of the town centre.  Two full permissions for enabling works to allow for the remediation and reprofiling

Bell Plantation, Towcester

Planning Prospects have submitted a planning application to South Northamptonshire Council on behalf of Alban Mann LLP for a the development of up to 31,800 sq m (GEA) of Employment Buildings (Use Classes E(g)(iii), B2 and/or B8), access, landscaping and associated development and drainage infrastructure.  The development will offer opportunities for start-up businesses, existing businesses

Bournemouth Airport

Planning Prospects Ltd have advised Imperial Park Bournemouth Ltd and Bournemouth International Airport Ltd in successfully securing resolutions to allow three planning applications from BCP Council.  The applications are for the erection of up to 85,100 sqm GIA of employment floorspace, a further bespoke factory unit, along with the development of a new link road.

Portersfield, Dudley

Planning Prospects Ltd have assisted Avenbury (Dudley) Ltd with securing outline planning permission from Dudley Council for the demolition and redevelopment of land either side of Trindle Road in Dudley to allow for a mixed use development including retail, service and leisure accommodation, drinking and eating establishments, student accommodation, housing, hotel accommodation, non-residential institution use,