Silver Lodge, Sheffield

Planning Prospects Ltd have assisted DRBC Developments Ltd and MCH Diamond Property Ltd with securing planning permission from Sheffield City Council for the conversion of the former Silver Lodge Residential Care Home into 10 apartments.

Longbridge East, Phase 3

Planning Prospects Ltd have assisted St. Modwen Homes Ltd with securing planning permission from Bromsgrove District Council for the final phase of residential development (Phase 3) at the Longbridge East redevelopment site. The permitted scheme is for 109 dwellings together with access, parking, landscaping and associated works. The development will see the positive re-use of

Taylors Lane Phases E3 and E4, Worcester

A full planning application for Phases E3 and E4 of the employment development has been submitted to Malvern Hills District Council by Planning Prospects, on behalf of St Modwen Developments. The proposals are for the erection of two employment buildings along with access, parking, service space, landscaping, and associated development infrastructure. The proposed development will

Land South East of Junction 16, M6

Land south east of junction 16 of the M6, which has been promoted by St. Modwen Developments aided by Planning Prospects Ltd, has been included as a potential Strategic Employment Site in the Newcastle-under Lyme Local Plan Issues and Options paper, which will be subject to a public consultation scheduled to take place in Autumn

Multi-Disciplinary Veterinary Referral and Research Centre, Longbridge

Planning Prospects have submitted a planning application to Birmingham City Council on behalf of St. Modwen Developments for a new Multi-Disciplinary Veterinary Referral and Research Centre on the West Longbridge site together with access, parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure.  The proposals are a very positive, kick-start inward investment into the West Longbridge site and an

West Residential, Longbridge

Planning Prospects have submitted an outline planning application to Birmingham City Council for new housing on the West Longbridge site together with further extensive riverside and other public open space.  The proposed development will continue the positive regeneration of the Longbridge site with proposals which will are fully in line with the vision for West

Bell Plantation, Towcester

Planning Prospects have secured a series of planning permissions from South Northamptonshire Council which regularise the planning position at Bell Plantation Garden Centre in terms of the continued operation of a series of “town centre” uses, and the provision of new employment space.

Gigafactory, Coventry

Planning Prospects have submitted a planning application to Warwick District Council and Coventry City Council, on behalf of Coventry City Council and Coventry Airport Ltd, for the development of a Gigafactory at Coventry Airport.

Holyhead Road, Coventry

Planning Prospects have secured planning permission from Coventry City Council for the erection  of  an  extension  to  Sytner’s multi-storey  car  storage building,  together  with  access  alterations,  car  parking, drainage,  landscaping  and  associated works. The scheme is part of a wider mixed use development of the former London Taxi site including new homes and discount foodstore

Vaccine Distribution Centre, Tamworth

Planning Prospects have recently submitted a Non-Material Amendment application to North Warwickshire Borough Council to enable one of the buildings on the St. Modwen Developments “Tamworth East” scheme on land south east of M42 J10 to be used as a vaccine distribution centre.  Planning Prospects advised on all aspects of the delivery of the scheme.