Albion Gateway, Burton

Having previously advised St Modwen on the initial elements of this site from planning through to implementation, Planning Prospects secured permission for the final phase comprising almost 8,000 sq m of accommodation for a mix of employment uses and bespoke premises for a builder’s merchant.

Weir Hill, Shrewsbury

Working with Taylor Wimpey and Persimmon Homes, Planning Prospects have now secured outline planning permission for a residential development of up to 600 dwellings on land at Weir Hill in Shrewsbury.  Submissions are already being made for the discharge of conditions to allow works to commence in the near future.

Worcester’s First Micro-Home

Following the success of Worcester’s first micro-home which was built by The Homeless Foundation in order to provide move on accommodation for people who find themselves homeless, Planning Prospects have submitted a further planning application to Worcester City Council for 30 micro-homes to be built on former car park and back garden land in the

Goodyear Clock Tower

Reserved matters are now with Wolverhampton City Council for a further residential phase of the development.  This phase submitted by Planning Prospects on behalf of Persimmon Homes includes proposals for the retention, refurbishment and adaptation of the former Goodyear Clock Tower to create a landmark feature within the development.  The scheme genuinely integrates the for