Areley Common

Areley Common, Astley Cross

Planning Prospects appeared on behalf of Gladman to provide housing land supply evidence at an inquiry determining an appeal against the refusal of Malvern Hills and Wyre Forest District Councils for the development of up to 145 dwellings on Land off Areley Common, Astley Cross, Stourport on Severn. The appeal explored the issues of landscape,

Hilton Phase 2c

Planning Prospects have assisted St. Modwen Homes with securing planning permission for a scheme of 12 dwellings together with access, parking, landscaping and associated works on part of the former Hilton Depot site in South Derbyshire. The scheme will contribute t0 the continued success of the regeneration of this brownfield site within Hilton. It will

Midland Property ESG Award

Planning Prospects were really pleased to be part of the successful development team working with developers St. Modwen Logistics in winning the ESG Award for Unit 5 at The Cofton Centre, Birmingham, a building which is in the top 1% of UK non-domestic and industrial buildings for sustainability, complete with an EPC A+ rating and

Claphill Lane, Rushwick

Planning Prospects have worked with Lioncourt Homes to secure Reserved Matters approval for a residential development of 120 dwellings off Claphill Lane in Rushwick. The scheme will provide a high-quality, sustainable development with a variety of bespoke house type designs ranging from 1 bedroom bungalows to 4 bedroom family housing. It will also deliver substantial

Grange Mill Lane, Sheffield

Planning Prospects are pleased to have secured planning permission for Junction 34 Ltd for enabling development on land off Grange Mill Lane in Sheffield. The series of works will assist with overcoming the current development constraints of the site, including access and flood risk, and will help to bring this longstanding vacant, brownfield land back

Fairway, Stafford

Planning Prospects have assisted St. Modwen Homes with securing Reserved Matters approval for a further phase of residential development off Fairway in Stafford. The scheme will provide a range of high quality new homes, ranging from 1 bedroom apartments to 4 bedroom family housing across two key character areas, which integrate with the earlier phases

Longbridge West Phase 2c Reserved Matters

On behalf of St. Modwen Homes, Planning Prospects have submitted an application to Birmingham City Council which seeks approval of Reserved Matters for the final phase of residential development at West Longbridge in Birmingham. The proposed scheme comprises 160 dwellings across a range of housing types including an innovative, higher density terraces and mews style

West Longbridge, Phase 1

Planning Prospects have assisted St. Modwen Homes with securing Reserved Matters approval for a new, high-quality residential development of 183 dwellings on the former MG Rover factory site at West Longbridge. The scheme forms the first phase of residential development on the West Longbridge site. It will provide a wide mix of accommodation ranging from

Junction 1, A50

Planning Prospects appeared on behalf of St. Modwen Developments Ltd to provide expert planning evidence at a hearing determining an appeal against the refusal of North West Leicestershire District Council for a major (92,500 sq m) industrial and logistics development at Junction1 of the A50.  The case involved a range of challenging planning issues, including

City West, Leeds

Planning Prospects have submitted an application to Leeds City Council, on behalf of JCT600, which seeks full planning permission for the development of a specialist car body repair building and specialist car preparation, distribution and EV repair centre on the City West Business Park.  The scheme will expand the existing operation, creating a focal point