Bournemouth Airport
Planning Prospects were retained to advise on planning issues associated with Bournemouth Airport following its December 2017 acquisition by Regional & City Airports (the airports management division of Rigby Group plc). Initially this involved providing guidance on and engaging with a variety of matters ranging from the implications of development by third parties around the Airport, to permitted development rights within its operational area, lawful development, car parking provision, the provision of new premises for commercial partners, and enforcement against those breaching planning controls with an impact on the business.
This role expanded to include making representations to the relevant emerging Local Plans dealing with matters ranging from safeguarding to the appropriateness of potential allocations which might affect the Airport, and the promotion of land across the western and northern part of the operational area for employment led development. Planning Prospects took a leading role in securing positive resolutions for a series of applications that will allow the development of up to 1.2 million sq ft of employment space plus a new link road, security facilities and utilities infrastructure.